About Us

We become part of the emotional journey of every future bride that has entrusted the choice of her wedding dress to us - Bridal House Holiday. Part of our mission is to give our clients all the attention they need and make them feel special.

We know of what importance our professional support could be for you. As there are more than 150 beautiful models in our collections, we can help you shortlist the most suitable ones and thus spare you from wasting time in unnecessary try-ons. You won’t hear from us “The dress looks great on you” when this is clearly not the case. Our team will be at your service, ready to help with its expertise and professionalism perfected over the course of 30 years.

Trust is crucial in every single aspect of our lives and at Bridal House Holiday we rate it highly. You can rest assured that by trusting us, you will receive the right professional advices, benefit from our individual approach to each client, and be fully satisfied with the whole process involving the choice of style, dress model and accessories. We look forward to enjoying the outcome of our work together, expressed in a happy bride dressed in the most suitable wedding dress!

Personal attitude and passion for beauty

A few words from Tanya Manova - founder of Bridal House Holiday


People often ask me what is it that makes me continue doing what I do for nearly 30 years. The answer is only one – passion. The type of passion that leads to complete dedication and to the pursuit of perfection in every single detail!

I am passionate about beauty in all its dimensions. Me and my Bridal House Holiday team are elated by the perfection found in nature, in our relationships, in the smallest details, in the complexity of every human being. We are passionate about creative work as an opportunity, a process and a wellspring of meaning.  To create and to make someone happy with your work is a special calling – it is а road in the right direction, it is the liberating feeling of being useful!

The wedding day is special. Every day that requires a special dress is special. Every woman, every girl who has crossed the threshold of our boutique deserves special attitude. Each of you has individual needs, taste, perspective and merits individual attention. 

All that requires seasoned professionalism, empathy, sincerity and desire to build trust and develop the right individual approach.

The dresses of Bridal House Holiday have been ambassadors of beauty all over the world for 30 years. However, what is even more important than our recognition around the globe, is our professional responsibility to make each of you feel unique and important. You don’t have to be perfect to look well – it is our imperfections, combined with class and dignity, that make us beautiful! 

Through years of experience, I have become convinced that even the most beautiful fabric, the most precise cut and the most beautiful dress are not enough to make us feel good and happy. The magic has to come from within. It has to spring from our soul, from our love of life and from the shared celebration of its joys!

This is my message to all who want to look like professional models – you are beautiful the way you are! We are simply there to add a few touches to your uniqueness. The Bridal House Holiday team will go through your history, fairy tale and celebration together with you. My satisfaction and the reward we desire most of all, are to see the sun in your smiles and the tears of joy in your eyes.